Tempe Dentist, AZ 85283, Family, Cosmetic

How Dental Health Affects Your Heart

30 Aug, 2023 dental-care

Vital link between dental health and heart health, emphasizing the impact of oral well-being on cardiovascular wellness.Dental health, often taken for granted, is crucial to our overall well-being. 

While many focus on the aesthetic aspect of dental care, the connection between dental hygiene and heart health often goes unnoticed. 

This in-depth exploration will dissect how dental infections might impact the heart, how poor oral hygiene can lead to heart and lung problems, the signs of a tooth infection spreading, and effective prevention strategies. 

Can Dental Infections Affect the Heart?

The intriguing connection between dental infections and heart health is gaining attention among healthcare professionals. 

When oral bacteria enter the bloodstream, they can reach the heart, causing inflammation and other serious complications like atherosclerosis. This narrowing and hardening of the arteries increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. 

A routine check-up with Dr. Nielsen, your Tempe dentist, may ensure a captivating smile and be a step towards safeguarding your heart.

Can Bad Teeth Cause Heart and Lung Problems?

Bad teeth are not just eyesores; they can be a gateway to severe health issues. Infected teeth and gums harbor bacteria that can enter the bloodstream and respiratory system, leading to:

  • Endocarditis

A severe infection of the heart's inner lining.

  • Respiratory infections

Like pneumonia and bronchitis, which need prompt medical care.

  • Increased risk of heart attacks and stroke

Chronic inflammation, clot formation, and other factors contribute to these grave conditions.

Understanding and acting on these connections between oral and heart health is essential.

What Are the Symptoms of a Tooth Infection Spreading to the Body?

Understanding the signs of a tooth infection spreading to the body is crucial for early intervention. The symptoms include:

  • Fever

A persistent fever, especially following dental procedures or the onset of tooth pain, could indicate an infection spreading to other parts of the body.

  • Swelling

Swelling of the face, jaw, or neck, accompanied by pain, might be a sign of an advanced dental infection that requires immediate attention.

  • Malaise

Feeling generally unwell, tired, or experiencing a loss of appetite could indicate a systemic infection.

  • Increased Heart Rate

If you notice your heart rate is elevated and you have dental issues, there could be a potential link between the two.

Woman showcasing perfectly aligned and sparkling white teeth.

Preventing and Treating Gum Disease

Prevention is key when maintaining both dental and heart health. Let's explore some tips to prevent gum disease.

Regular Dental Care

Practice good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice daily and also flossing.

Professional Cleanings

Schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings to remove plaque and tartar buildup.

Healthy Diet

Consume a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy. 

Avoid Tobacco

Smoking and tobacco use are linked to gum disease and heart problems. 

Manage Medical Conditions

Keep chronic conditions like diabetes under control, as they can contribute to gum disease.




The nexus between dental health and heart wellness is a compelling and multifaceted subject. 

What begins as a simple cavity can escalate into a serious heart condition if neglected. 

The relationship between these two vital aspects of health is not coincidental; it is a well-researched and established connection. 

Realizing that dental hygiene transcends mere aesthetics and has profound implications for heart health adds a new dimension to our understanding of well-being. 

So, the next time you consider skipping your dental appointment, remember that a healthy smile may reflect a robust heart.